Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dropping Acid- my new passion.

The Sunday New york Times had an article that was momentous for me!

I love fizzy drinks- but dislike the cloying sweetness of most soft drinks. Rootbeer with pizza is one exception to the rule but the sugar content makes me worry about my delicate, cavity prone teeth.

Alas, I was born into the wrong generation- I knew something was wrong! Apparently the Romans, as well as others, were vastly adept in the making of an ultra-thirst quenching beverage with vinegar. Yes, my family has already made that face. Until recently is hadn't made a come back....UNTIL NOW!!!!!
The last couple of nights I have been enjoying a vinegar fizz. Sophia's Great Aunt Gina sent us a wonderful bottle of blackberry vinegar I had yet to served with 3 cubes of ice and soda water I am enjoying it immensely!!!

The English, I believe, call this brilliantly acidic and delicious concoction a SHRUB!
The following is a recipe from the Times:

Shrub Makes about 1 1/2 to 2 quarts, depending on fruit used.
These measurements can be played with quite liberally, as some fruits contain more natural sugars.
2 quarts fruit, use any fruit, pears, figs, raspberries, cherries 1 liter apple-cider vinegar (preferably Bragg) or other vinegar. 1/2 to 1 cup raw sugar Soda water Ice.

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