Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Side of baked beans, side of coleslaw, side of BBQ?



I saw this on Holy Kaw first! 

At BCS We are always interested in innovative modern design, this is a perfect example! I really can't get over it!

If you thought you'd have to choose between backyard room to play and room to grill, this may be your favorite invention yet – a folding barbecue grill. These wall mounted grills by Focus-Creation conveniently fold down when you’re entertaining a group (or are just entertaining the thought of a mouth-watering meal!) and they fold up when not in use. And the steel firebowl looks great whether in the open or closed position. Another great thing about this wall-mounted grill is it can be mounted at any height, ideal for those with special needs. This is a great gadget if your yard is small but sweet, and ditto for balconies and small decks and awkwardly shaped spaces. Now anyone can barbecue to their heart’s content! For more information visit Focus.


Posted via web from bridgerbuzz

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Really random in Rome

I wasn't prepared for this kind of pretty in Rome the Villa Borghese (Rome's central park) took my breath away. After I found it- it was the only place I wanted to be. Near the Modern art museum.
The flora and fauna in Rome was unexpected, to say the least...Seussian, tropical, with a dash of English garden....who knew?
This guy was Olympic level adorable...I'm in love with an 89 yar old man, and I'm not afraid to say it!
Cappuccino 1,9987.. I took almost all their portraits. I have never been, nor will ever be a crazy cat lady, ah ah ah achoooo...but, I could be a crazy cap lady!
Steam punkish, with an early 1960's backyard BBQ edge? Mad scientist or Mad Men? great store...high end recycleables like rubber band earirings and, I kid you not, the coolest Mother flicking purses with wait for it....car visor closures. You simply flip up the flap to get into your purse .You can check your lipstick in the visor mirror! Fantastico!